EL Program
Arcia Dorosti (adorosti@pausd.org) – EL Coordinator
Christine Castillo (ccastillo@pausd.org) – SAFE Specialist
The English Learner Program is comprised of students whose native language is not English and need language support in order to help expand their English language development. When a family first arrives in the district, one of the intake forms is the Home Language Questionnaire. The questions include:
- First language learned by student: _______
- Language normally used by student at home: _______
- Language normally used by parents at home: _______
If the family designates that a language other than English is spoken for any of the above questions, then they will be directed to the E.L. Intake Coordinator. At this point, an English Language Assessment is given to the student. The results are then used to determine English language proficiency and appropriate services.
EL Services Provided at Fletcher
Fletcher Middle School is designated as a long term English learner site. This means that most of our English learner students are from our elementary schools or students who have shown proficiency at the high Expanding level. Proficiency levels are determined through the English Proficiency Assessment for California, otherwise known as E.L.P.A.C., which is the language assessment that students take when they first enroll in the district and/or every Spring thereafter.
ALD Year-long Course Description
The purpose of Academic Language Development (A.L.D.) is to provide long term English learners, defined as students who have not reclassified, or recently reclassified English learners, with the language skills and content knowledge to increase their current English language development level and meet reclassification requirements if need be. The course's academic emphasis is on oral language development, accelerated academic vocabulary acquisition, expository, narrative, and argumentative writing, and reading comprehension with the use of CA ELD Standards in tandem with the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts.
Thematic units are organized to ensure that students make connections to other core content areas (Science, English, Social Studies). Students learn organizational and study skills, develop their critical thinking, learn to be resourceful, and participate in motivational enrichment activities. Students will engage in research-based lessons with culminating writing projects and oral presentations. Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills will be assessed periodically using multiple measures.
ALD 6 occurs during 7th period flex time, while ALD 7/8 takes the place of one elective.