This is an exciting time that many students and families often look forward to, but we also know that it can be a little stressful. In order to best support our students through this process, we want you to have the information of what to expect and when. By the last week of February, students will submit their requests for elective courses using PAUSD's Infinite Campus (IC) data system, with their parent's acknowledgement. To ensure students and families have the information needed to request their elective courses, everyone will have access to the following resources:
Here is our Timeline:
- During PRIME Classes: Course Request Materials will be broadly distributed. The Fletcher Electives Website, Fletcher Course Catalog, and Video Instructions on "How To" submit course requests will be shared with all students and posted on Schoology. This information will also be made available for all Fletcher parents through ParentSquare.
- During the month of February: School counselors will be available to answer questions.
- During PRIME Classes: Teachers will check in with students to remind them about the course request process and answer questions.
- TBD (2023): Deadline for submitting a paper copy of the Fletcher Course Request Form with parent signature.
We look forward to helping our students make this exciting transition to their next grade level as smooth as possible! If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to your child's counselor: